If you love nature, you will enjoy to go on a hike to observe the different bird species that can be found in the San Lorenzo Ridge. During the tour you might spot around 120 bird species, while being guided by a naturalist guide of the Mindo area. The best hours for observation are between 6am and 10am. We also have different birdwatching tours during the whole day in the surroundings of Mindo. The most noted one is the observation of the Cock of the Rock.
Including the areas that can be visited in day trips from the town of Mindo, there are an estimated 550 bird species. Birds that can be seen in the Mindo area include Cock-of-the-Rock, Chestnut-Mandibled Toucan, Toucan Barbet, Giant Antpitta, Scaled Fruiteater, Club-Winged Manakin and Torrent Duck, among others.