Rafting is a sport and recreational activity known worldwide, which consists of going down the river in the direction of flow (downstream), usually on some kind of boat. The most common boats used are the canoe or kayak, which may be rigid or inflatable. Usually the rivers that are visited for this activity have some degree of turbulence and are also known rivers of "white water", because this color is characteristic of the foam generated by the turbulence in the water bodies.
Another common name for this type of rivers is just "fast". In Mindo you will find rivers of the following two classes:
II: Easy level. Not very turbulent waters with holes and waves of no more than 25 centimeters, and small swirls that represent no danger for swimmers.III: Intermediate level. Turbulent waters with medium size holes and waves of no more than one meter, and swirls that need attention from swimmers and boats. Sailing in these rivers require good technics, well-known by our guides.